Supporting every child on a residential...
At Conway Centres, we know that in a class every child is unique, enjoying different activities and having different strengths and interests. We pride ourselves on offering unique residential programmes that support every child no matter their interest, experience or ability.
Here is how we can support every child in your class…

Conway Centres is home to high adventure, offering land-based, water-based and high-rope adventure activities. For the thrill-seekers in the group, with activities like Via Ferrata at Anglesey where children journey through the quarry, kayaking on the Menai Strait and reaching new heights on the tree climb at Tattenhall. Adventure is never far away…
“Whilst at Conway Centres I learnt how to climb rocks, it was very tricky and scary but I did it and I was so pleased with myself.”
Some pupils may feel nervous being away from home and trying out new activities, but the supportive Conway Centres team will encourage and support your children to believe in themselves. Whether they want to cheer on their friends from the sideline, work with their team in creating the raft before it goes out on the water or they want to push themselves out of their comfort zone - the highly qualified Conway staff will support children in achieving the unachievable…
“When I was doing Via Ferrata I had to step off a high ledge and I said, ‘I can’t do it’ and the instructor said ‘I wouldn't tell you to do it if you couldn't do it’.”

But at Conway Centres, we know there are the creative pupils who get more of a thrill putting pen to paper or performing a new dance piece. The Arts are a fantastic way for children and young people to express themselves, boost confidence and support wellbeing. Whether you want a full Arts programme which mixes Dance, Drama, Art and Music, to combine adventure and arts or you want to add an Arts activity on to your programme – a residential at Conway Centres will support your creative pupils to shine.
“I have been told I am a good dancer, but as a boy I don’t get the opportunity to dance outside of school. I really enjoyed expressing myself in the Indian dance and the capoeira. It has helped me be proud of my talent.”
With the Conway Centres located in North Wales and Cheshire, close to all of the adventure hotspots - your explorers can enjoy discovering all that the great outdoors has to offer…

Programmes to support explorers

At Conway Centres, education is at the heart of everything they do. With various programmes to support with exam season for both primary and secondary, Conway Centres are experts in supporting with boosting grades and raising attainment whilst supporting children with exam pressures.
Programmes perfect for your exam pupils
At Conway Centres, they know that a residential should be an extension of classroom learning and what better way to bring learning to life than in the great outdoors? Conway Centres offer various immersive experiences where students can learn from a variety of hands-on experiences…

Get in touch with a member of our team who will help you build an incredible new adventure!