Earth Summit Residential: What to expect…
Our Earth Summit residential teaches students to understand how human actions have consequences for our planet. Tackling issues like climate change, consumables waste and conservation through Art, Dance, Drama and Music workshops. This exciting programme is the perfect way for children to learn about sustainability and climate change, here is everything to expect on your Earth Summit Residential....

Everyone is up and ready for a day full of immersive cultural arts whilst learning about the sustainable agenda! Whether it’s a cooked breakfast, cereal, or croissants - everyone enjoys a hearty, nutritious breakfast in the main hall to fuel their day. It’s time for the first session of the day with our championship beatboxer! Children will learn all about the sounds, skills and breathing techniques in order to beatbox. Our artist encourages children to find their own unique sound whilst discovering and exploring the power in their voice. Children will get creative as they work together to write lyrics and create a song about saving the planet whilst focusing on key topics such as; conservation, climate change and consumables waste. Children will instantly feel inspired as they put everything they learn about our world into a song.

Lunchtime! With a variety of options, our catering team carefully source every bite to bring all children the most sustainable, seasonal, healthy, and super tasty food. Now for Batik art! Children will work together to create a beautiful batik, themed around The Blue Planet. Whilst getting creative children will learn about key topics such as; reducing carbon footprint, using less plastic products and taking care of the beach – all of which support with saving our oceans.

After a delicious tea, the evening starts off with a Drama session called ‘Our Voice’. Following a day of learning how human actions have consequences for our planet, children and young people work together as they put everything they have learnt into a drama performance. ‘Our Voice’ is a great way for children and young people to express how they want others to treat the planet and how their actions for change moving forwards After their session, it’s time for a panel discussion with guest speakers from lead conservation organisations. This is a great chance for children and young people to explore their ideas further ask any questions they have for these organisations. After a busy and exciting day, it is time for quick supper, getting PJs on, ready to see what the next day of learning has in store…
Get in touch with a member of our team who will help you build an incredible new adventure!